Birth doula support, birth photography, and more in Minneapolis and St. Paul

Gather Interviews Michaela Duquette, a Birth Photographer in Boston and Providence

Michaela of Michaela Lynn Photography, a plant-loving mama, is a birth and fresh 48 photographer who lives in Attleboro, Massachusetts with her husband and three sweet kiddos. Fun fact: her third baby was an unplanned, unassisted home birth! She was born fast and furiously after MAYBE 30 minutes of active labor. We’re so glad we got to chat with her!

If you’re looking for a birth, F48, or in-home lifestyle photographer in Boston, Providence, or the surrounding areas, get in touch with Michaela! And if you’d like to see more of her work, follow her on Instagram!

photo by Michaela Lynn Photography

photo by Michaela Lynn Photography

Tell us about your journey as a birth photographer. How did you get started? It's kind of a two-part story.

I have been into photography my entire life - for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I almost always had a camera in my hands. Film bottles, disposable cameras, and CVS photo folders littered my room. Back in 2015, I purchased my first DSLR and fell in love. I started doing family mini sessions, but it didn't feel "right."

When I was pregnant with my second child in 2013, I dove deep until the world of birth. I wanted to learn everything I could. I trained as a labor doula, but decided it wasn't the right path for me. Once I learned about birth photography, I realized it was the perfect combination of my two passions. 

I photographed my first birth in 2017, and it's been nothing but absolute love ever since.

What are some of the roadblocks you faced prior to getting to this point in your career? Myself. Honestly, my self-doubt and imposter syndrome have easily been the hardest things for me to deal with. It took me a while to realize that there's always going to be someone who is better than me, and instead of being bitter or jealous of them, I should be using them as inspiration to better myself.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to get started as a birth photographer, but doesn't know where to begin? Knowledge is power. Learn everything you can about your camera. Birth is not always an accommodating space for photography. Low light, tight spaces, people everywhere. Learn everything you can about birth. Do not go into your first birth if you don't know what it entails. Yes, we all know a baby comes out of a vagina - but it's so much more than that.

What's the most valuable advice you've ever received, either professionally or personally? Do not compare yourself to others. Other photographers in your area are not your competition, they're your team.

What's something about this work that shocked you the most, that you wish you'd known before you got started? THE BIRTH HIGH. I've experienced it after my own births but it's soooo different when you're documenting it for someone else!! Watching the pure strength of someone as they bring their child into the world - there's nothing else like it.

What advice do you have for someone who wants to have a positive and empowered birth experience? ED. U. CA. TION. Be an advocate for yourself. Explore your options, and don't blindly trust anyone. Know the reasoning behind why your care provider wants to do certain procedures or tests or anything else. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid to say no. And if your care provider isn't respecting your wishes or isn't a good fit for you, you have every right to find a new one.

What are three things you can't live without lately? Coffee, coffee, and coffee. 


Well, not entirely. Coffee, my heated blanket (yay New England winters), and my plants. Yes, I'm one of those outrageous plant people, haha.

Thank you so much, Michaela! We loved learning a bit more about you, and we appreciate your perspectives on community, inspiration, and advocacy!

To see more interviews, click here.

photo by Michaela Lynn Photography

photo by Michaela Lynn Photography

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