Birth doula support, birth photography, and more in Minneapolis and St. Paul

A Gather Pregnancy Announcement!

If you saw our Facebook or Instagram posts celebrating World Doula Week, you were among the first to learn that Meredith and her husband Steve are expecting! Over the next few months, the sweet little baby beneath that bump will continue growing and we can’t even begin to express how excited we are to meet them.

I’ve assembled my dream birth team, our home is slowly filling up with baby clothes and diapers, formerly empty corners of our dining room now store various baby holding devices, the childbirth ed class is in full swing, and we’ve started counting down to our guess day/week/month. The puppy is nowhere near ready to share space with a baby but we’re working on it, and we’ve been chipping away at our pre-baby to do list. Aside from some more birth and postpartum prep (hellooooo, freezer meals!), I’m feeling really ready to welcome this baby into our life. But! I have questions for you!


February ‘22: Pandemic pregnancy means I have almost no photos of this belly!


What I’d love to learn from you, whether you’re a past client of mine, an IRL friend, a future friend/internet friend/internet stranger, or we’ve spent time in the birth space together, is the following:

  • What did you learn from your birth experience(s)?

  • Can’t-live-without products for the first year?

  • Local (Minneapolis area) resources Steve and I should know about? Classes, groups, shops, parks, story hours… anything goes, but I’m especially curious about outdoor and virtual options!

  • What’s a fond memory you have of me? I’ll be filing these away to look at while I’m in labor and during those fresh postpartum days where everything might feel just a bit tender.

  • What advice do you or your partner have for Steve?

If you have additional insight to share about postpartum meal prep, home birth, cloth diapering, room and bed sharing, baby wearing, eco-friendly/plastic-free/minimalist lifestyles with baby, and/or attachment parenting, Steve and I would love to hear it!

Feel free to fill out this form, email our inbox, or text/message/email Mere directly.

Fall ‘21: There’s a teeny tiny baby in that belly of mine!