Birth doula support, birth photography, and more in Minneapolis and St. Paul

The Gather family grew this week! | Milo's Birth Announcement Film

February 8, 2021 | 5:55 pm

From Gather co-founder Gina:

Birth, parenting, and life have this in common: they always find a way to humble you.

We welcomed Milosz (Milo) in a completely different way than we planned, but it couldn’t have felt more perfect.

When you’re supported by people who believe in your power as you birth, you undoubtedly walk away feeling the way I feel about Milo’s birth: like you can accomplish anything.

We don’t highlight the importance of wonderful care like Trillium Midwifery Care, steadfast doula support, and professional documentation just because we own a birth business, it’s because we’ve experienced firsthand how fundamental and life-changing they can be.

I can’t wait for the Gather team to share more sneak peeks of Milo’s birth story. I’ll be snuggled in bed with my baby rewatching this video on repeat until I return in May.

Welcome to the world, sweet Milo. We are thrilled you’re finally here and we can’t wait to get to know you!

Gina’s Birth Story in Photos | Gina’s Birth Story Film

Gina’s Real Postpartum Session

Gather Birth Cooperative: providing stellar doula support and expert birth photojournalism in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and the surrounding areas in the Twin Cities.

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