Birth doula support, birth photography, and more in Minneapolis and St. Paul

On Covid-19 and the Steps We're Taking to Keep Our Community Safe

Hello to our Gather community!

We’re taking a moment today to touch base with you as global concerns about the COVID-19 coronavirus grow. Our greatest priority is supporting and serving you well - and safely. We recognize that the best way to honor our commitment to birthing families is doing everything in our power to keep you, your family, and our Gather Birth team healthy. 

The proactive precautions we’re taking to ensure your wellness and preserve our ability to support you in full health when you need us most include:

Scheduling all prenatal and postpartum meetings virtually. 

Scheduling all prospective client meetings virtually.

If you have already scheduled your appointment with us, your meeting will be held virtually via Zoom or FaceTime. We will be in touch with you to arrange this.

Conducting internal Gather team meetings virtually. 

One beauty of the Gather Birth team approach is that we always have back-ups available in case of illness or emergency. While we love getting together for regular meetings, we'll be scheduling our planning sessions via video call in order to keep from sharing germs during this season.

Monitoring and following CDC and WHO recommendations for health and safety.

Here are some tips on how to stay healthy!

We are so grateful to you all. Know that we are standing alongside you in your efforts to keep our community safe! As always, we are here for you should you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions on how to better support you.

Brooke, Gina, Emily, and Meredith
