Born at Regions Hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota | A Preview of an Unmedicated Hospital Birth in Photographs
There’s a lot of planning that goes into the desire for an unmedicated birth, especially in a hospital birth setting. As a doula and birth photographer, I’ve learned a lot during my time with Gather Birth. I’ve attended hundreds of births here in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and the great Twin Cities area. The biggest thing I’ve learned is it can be hard to account for everything.
Usually, it’s our birth team present on the day we go into labor that can have the biggest impact. It’s important to have nurses, OB’s and midwives who are not only on-board with an unmedicated, natural birth, but excited about it.
As I edited these photos, one really stood out: a birth parent in awe as she grasps her new baby, while a team of proud and celebrating nurses, residents and doctors look on. It just doesn’t get much better than that.
Welcome to the world, little one!