Born at Methodist Hospital in St. Louis Park, Minnesota | A Preview of a Cesarean Birth in Photographs
October 6, 2024
Birth Doula + Birth Photography: Gather Birth
I’ve learned a lot in my 10 years of birth doula support and birth photography here in the Minneapolis, St. Paul, and greater Twin Cities area. I’ve learned which hospitals have the best coffee. I’ve learned how to nap upright in a hard-backed chair. I’ve learned how to whip up a quick postpartum soup, perfect for home birth families. Most importantly, I’ve learned that birth is very rarely predictable.
This amazing family flew through their induction, spent hours pushing like a rock star, and met their baby through an intentional pivot toward a cesarean birth.
Both birth and parenting can be unpredictable and keep you on your toes. Knowing you have support around you to weather those changes is priceless. I’ve learned that good support is everything.
Gina + the Gather Birth team
Welcome to the world, little one!