An Empowering Maternity and Motherhood Session in Minneapolis, Minnesota

I don’t have the version of a pregnant body that is readily shared and visible on the internet, at hospitals, birth centers or any other media directed at pregnant families.

I don’t have the palatable pregnant belly that’s perfectly smooth, even skin tone/texture, free of any evidence that my body compromised its integrity to grow another human.

What I do have is a body that has safely grown and carried babies by developing a diastasis recti, umbilical (belly button) hernia, epigastric (above belly button) hernia and plenty of stretch marks.

Growing, birthing, and raising babies has forever changed my physical and emotional self. I am so grateful and proud of my beautiful, powerful, and transformative body.

And yet, I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t from time to time have fleeting thoughts of feeling wishful to have the more “acceptable” pregnant belly. Why? Because, all that we see of pregnant people, are the “perfect” versions.

This is why I feel it’s so important to share these vulnerable images of myself as a pregnant person. My hope is that even one other person feels heard and seen. Visibility matters.

When I let go of what my body should look like as a pregnant person, I’m able to soften and hold myself for what is. My body is my home, and my children’s first home. That is perfect and beautiful, exactly as it is.

I’m so grateful to my talented friend and business partner Gina for documenting the art of my pregnant body and precious moments with my family.

XO, Britt

Interested in booking an Expecting Family Session with Gather Birth Cooperative?

Visit this page to learn more and contact us to get the ball rolling.


Born at Twin Cities Birth Center in St. Paul, Minnesota | A Preview of an Empowering Second Birth in Photographs