An Expecting Family Session Honoring Julia and Baby Boy
An aspect of making blog/social media posts that I wrestle with, is no words of mine could ever illustrate perfectly enough the lives and experiences of our clients. Sure, I could give a condensed outside perspective version. When possible though, it feels most authentic to include the heart, mind, and words of the people in the photographs. Your stories connect all of us, and are worth sharing through all the heartbreak and hope.
In this post are some portraits from a recent Expecting Family session. Below are the family’s words when they announced their pregnancy to their family and friends. Taylor, Josh, Julia, and baby boy, you are all so loved and held.
XO, Britt + the rest of the Gather Birth team.
“It is with astounding hope that we share the news that baby Anderson #2 is on the way. We desperately want to be parents to living children and we hold onto hope that we will be able to do that soon.
Nothing about Julia’s absence will be fixed if we get to take her brother home in a car seat instead of an urn. She will always be gone and she will always be missing from every single moment for the rest of our lives. We are so grateful for the chance to raise this baby and hopefully more, AND we’ll also have a lifetime of pain and sadness knowing we’ll always be missing one of our kids. Our whole family will never be together this side of heaven, so our lives are forevermore a mix of joy and heartache all at once.
We’d like to acknowledge how lucky we are (and yes, we know that most people would consider us incredibly unlucky, which we are in most circles). We know the depths of loss that parents can experience and know that some parents never get to bring home a living child. We are so lucky and fortunate that our baby boy has stayed alive this long. We pray that he will stay alive after birth as well.
Here’s to the last weeks of (im)patiently wiating.”