A Preview of a New Family Photography Session Celebrating One Month with Baby

We love when our birth clients ask us to come back to capture this fleeting time with their newborn! Our documentary style New Family Photography sessions are less of a styled shoot and more of a cozy conversation, especially when we’ve had the pleasure of walking alongside the family throughout their pregnancy, birth, and initial postpartum time.

As we were documenting this family’s time together, it was reaffirmed just how important partnership and communication can be in getting through postpartum and parenthood. Postpartum can be so hard - between the hormones, lactation, processing the birth experience, baby sleep, parent sleep, family transition, and so. much. more. It was so evident just how much work this couple did before the birth of their baby in connecting with one another, communication styles, love languages, you name it. What a gift it is to your baby to prioritize your partnership. I mean, you can just FEEL the oxytocin emitting through these images, right?!

Feeling like you could use a little pick-me-up during your postpartum? Or planning for success with some extra support for when you bring baby home? We offer postpartum doula support as well (and bonus, each package comes with it’s own set of family photos!).

Interested in booking a New Family Photography Session with Gather Birth Cooperative?

Visit this page to learn more and contact us to get the ball rolling.


Born at Southdale Hospital in Edina, Minnesota | A Preview of a Birth Story Full of Laughs, Connection, and Love


Born at Fairview Riverside Masonic Children's Hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota | A Preview of a Beautifully Supported Hospital Transfer Birth Story in Photographs