Born at Home in Waseca, Minnesota | A Preview of an Early Morning Home Birth in Photographs
December 8, 2024
Birth Doula: Gather Birth Cooperative
Birth Photography: Gather Birth Cooperative
Midwives: New Birth Midwifery
We’re always excited when a family asks us to join their birth team again. We’ve been lucky enough to support this beautiful family as birth photographers and videographers twice. This time around, they asked us to join them as their birth doula as well.
There’s a special comfort and ease working with a family again, especially when we join them for a home birth. We typically support families in the Minneapolis and St. Paul area, but for this birth we really stretched what “greater Twin Cities” meant by heading south to Waseca.
I joined this family during the dark, sleepy times of the night. A quiet, peaceful labor gave way to a beautiful sunrise and a new baby ready to great the day. As I left later that morning, I couldn’t think of a better way to welcome a wintery morning.
Gina + The Gather Birth team