Born at The Mother Baby Center at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota | A Preview of a Family Centered Cesarean Birth Story
March 28, 2024 at 9:28AM
Birth photography and videography: Gather Birth Cooperative
As we finish the month of April, Cesarean Awareness Month, we wanted to share with you an incredible example of a Family Centered Cesarean Birth.
Historically, who is allowed to go into the OR with the birthing person is very restricted. In the Twin Cities and surrounding area hospitals, the partner is usually allowed unless it’s an emergency. Having doula support or birth photographer in the OR in many hospitals is a quick and firm, “no”.
Over the last few years, we have seen a shift and push to allow the skilled expertise of doula support (or birth photographer) in the OR with birthing families. As birth workers, we know how invaluable our presence is to the families we support, especially for a cesarean birth.
This family chose us to photograph and film the arrival of their little one just over a month ago. It is a birth we will never forget! Even when plans slightly changed the morning of, the healthcare team took the time to get to know how to make this birth meaningful and special for this family. It was so clear that the OB had formed a warm, trusting bond with this family prenatally. She carried that love and ease into every step of this birth day.
There’s a big difference in the way care feels when the healthcare workers are mindful of and honor that this is a huge moment in the lives of their patient vs just another day at work for them.
For this family, Family Centered Cesarean Birth, meant:
Husband in the OR and recovery (PACU)
Birth Photographer in OR and recovery (PACU)
Clear drape throughout the surgery, not just for meeting baby
Delayed cord clamping
Skin to skin in the OR
Breastfeeding in the OR
Baby warmer within sight of birth parent (they didn’t ask for this but this is a HUGE environmental way hospitals can support Family Centered Cesarean Birth)
To us, Family Centered Care, means that care is done with you and your family; not something that is being done to you. All families deserve this model of care prenatally, birth, postpartum, and beyond.
Welcome to the world, sweet Margot! We are so glad you’re here.