Born at Fairview Southdale Hospital in Edina, Minnesota | A Preview of Third Baby's Breech Cesarean Birth in Photos
We are endlessly grateful to the families we support here in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and the greater Twin Cities area. We’ve been invited to provide birth doula support, birth photography and videography to hundreds of families over the years. It’s always so special when a family asks us back to celebrate another birth.
When this beautiful family invited us to support and photograph their birth for a third time, we couldn’t have been more thrilled. We’ve been lucky enough to be doulas and birth photographers at their two previous births.
This family’s experience over the years has done a great job of illustrating just how different births can be from baby to baby. Their first birth was a long experience filled with hope, love, and strength. Their second baby was born swiftly, with surprise and excitement.
This third baby continued the family trend of doing their own thing. This little one decided to cue their arrival at 36 weeks. This spunky and healthy baby girl was still breech, leading to this family’s first cesarean birth experience. Much like the two births before, they welcomed the surprise and uniqueness of this birth experience.
Once again, it was very clear how loved this baby would be, by both their parents and their siblings. We love this family dearly and are so grateful to be a small part of the fabric of their family story.
Welcome to the world, sweet Gwyneth! We are so glad you’re here.