Born at Roots Community Birth Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota | A Preview of a Swift Arrival of This Family’s Sixth Baby in Photographs

Welcome to the world, little one!

Birth happens on it’s own time; and in this case, baby decided to arrive within 20 minutes of this family’s arrival at Roots Birth Center! The midwives met this family in the driveway, calm and caring as the birthing parent started pushing on their way up to the birth suite. And just a few minutes later, baby was here! We’re always so impressed with the ever-skilled birth team at Roots, adapting their care as needed by each individual family to ensure everyone is safe, supported, and cared for. We’re so thrilled for this family and feel so honored to be invited to document this birth story of their sixth baby.

XO, Brooke + and the rest of the Gather Birth Team

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Born at Twin Cities Birth Center in St. Paul, Minnesota | A Preview of an Empowering Second Birth in Photographs


Born at Home in Owatonna, Minnesota | A Preview of a Speedy, Family Centered Birth of Fifth Baby in Photographs